Naturopathic Medicine

The six tenets of Naturopathic Medicine will aid you on the Road to Wellness, beginning with getting to the “root cause” of the imbalance.

“All big things come from small beginnings and the seed of every habit is a single tiny decision. But as the decision is repeated a habit sprouts and grows stronger.”

– James Clear, author of Atomic Habits

Naturopathic Medicine is a detailed and comprehensive medical system that sees you, the patient, as a unique person. We know that the choices you make in food and lifestyle affect not only your physical body, but your mental and emotional state as well.

We are medical General Practitioners who see you as a whole and will not only treat your current “dis-ease”, but restore you to an overall state of vitality, health, and wellness. Although our training is rigorous and we are licensed and pass comprehensive clinical medical board exams, we view ourselves as partners in your wellness journey, as an expert who is providing guidance and coaching to make ourselves in a sense “obsolete”, because you are so well.

As Naturopathic Physicians, our diagnostic skills are strong, our testing and interpretation of your imbalances is detailed. But we also offer getting to the root cause and then healing with natural and preventative options.

We do so using modalities including: food as medicine, botanical medicine, exercise, lifestyle changes, mind-body medicine, conventional and alternative lab testing, vitamin and nutritional supplementation, and hands-on-therapies.

If you want to be treated as a unique, complex intelligent whole person in your medical care, you have arrived at the right place.

I would be honored to be YOUR DOCTOR.

Brand - Karen Tyson

Guiding Principles


A core tenet of MEDICINE.  Our extensive training in “food as medicine”, the science behind lifestyle (mind-body medicine, exercise, sleep, to name a few), biochemistry and botanical medicine enables us to provide you with a personalized foundation in the most natural, least invasive and least toxic approaches to wellness.


Your body’s natural state is wellness.  Your body has an innate healing wisdom.   We will work with you to identify and to, over time, remove any obstacles to cure, correct any deficiencies and provide the body with the tools and resources that it needs to be well.


Naturopathic Medical doctors provide that all important role in your WELLNESS journey of not only being interested in WHAT is happening to your body, but WHY it is happening. By identifying the root cause of your illness, we can tailor a plan that is ACTIONABLE to your INDIVIDUAL needs and habits and will move you in the direction of WELLNESS at each visit.


The root of the word DOCTOR is “DOCERE” which means “to teach”. No lasting change can be made without educating you, the patient. This includes why we are making recommendations, why we are running labs, what your labs say about your health, and being highly specific and actionable in our recommendations. No real lasting change can be made without tiny daily steps, your understanding of the changes, and your ability to change your day-to-day habits.


Your body’s natural state is wellness.  Your body has an innate healing wisdom.   We will work with you to identify and to remove any obstacles to cure, correct any deficiencies and provide the body with the tools and resources that it needs to be well.


Your body is an interconnected network that has a detailed biochemical communication system. Thus, we listen intently and do complete intakes and physical exams to understand that interconnectedness. How you feel mentally is inextricably linked to your food choices, nutrient status, lifestyle and exercise, and your daily life outside the doctor’s office. We put together a detailed plan that is about you as a WHOLE intelligent, complex, and unique individual.


Naturopathic Medicine is part of the solution to our broken American Medical System which waits for a chronic illness (caused perhaps by a food and lifestyle preventable imbalance) before treatment begins. Naturopathic Medicine works with your unique make-up to guide you in prevention in a way that is actionable for you.


To Find out more about the Naturopathic Medicine (approach, training and philosophy):

What is Naturopathic Medicine?  About Naturopathic Medicine - AANP

What are the six key tenets of Naturopathic Medicine? The Six Principles of Naturopathic Medicine - AANMC

What is The Therapeutic Order? The Therapeutic Order - AANMC

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