
macro photography of water and stones

In this treatment, alternating hot and cold water is gently applied to the torso with the adjunct of sine wave therapy at various points during the treatment. Benefits include improvement in immunity, circulation, digestion, and decreasing stressors on the nervous system.

Water is necessary for our lives. And, water is a simple, readily available and inexpensive healing modality. There are many ways to think of bringing more of this modality into our lives from drinking more pure water each day to visiting bodies of water to spiritual herbal bathing.

Hydrotherapy is a form of water therapy that has been used by the ancient Greeks through modern times, but now we have the scientific understanding and support for how it works.

Constitutional hydrotherapy treatment is a form of “Water Cure” that has been used in practice for over 100 years and has scientific validation. In this treatment, alternating hot and cold water is gently applied to the torso with the adjunct of sine wave therapy at various points during the treatment. This modality was perfected by the Naturopathic physician, Dr. OG Carroll (1879-1962).

We know when the body is therapeutically heated or heated to the right level below 103 F with a fever, our innate immune system kicks in monocytes, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and interferon (our body’s antiviral) which are natural immune boosters. Frequent sauna has been shown to be associated with a 30 to 40 percent risk reduction of developing pneumonia. And cold exposure at the end of a period of hot exposure has been shown to mobilize natural killer cell activity.

Some interesting historical observations:

The ancient Greeks (including Hippocrates) and ancient Romans used hydrotherapy as a healing modality.
Priessnitz popularized what he called hydropathy in the 19th century.

Dr John Kellogg used hydrotherapy as the key modality in his sanitariums.

Dr. Julius Wagner-Jauregg, who was an Austrian psychiatrist, observed that his patients with neurosyphilis improved with a fever. So he went ahead and infected them with malaria on purpose which cured them of their neurosyphilis from the fever of the malaria. He then he cured them of their malaria using the known techniques at the time for this.

A lot of these effective therapies were abandoned with the use of penicillin. But, we live in times where we can return to the science of this powerful, simple and in-expensive healing modality.

Therapeutic heating and cooling of the body generates beneficial “heat shock proteins” and antiviral interferon production.

Although there are many ways that we can use water as a healing modality in our homes, this rhythmic soothing application in a doctor’s office allows us to optimize the benefits of the water treatment by evaluating for contraindications, monitoring your vital signs, utilizing the approaches developed by Dr. OG Caroll (1879-1962) and creating a soothing, healing environment in which the treatment can take place.

Hydrotherapy benefits: Increase blood circulation and the quality of the blood, Enhances blood flow through our organs of elimination, Increases digestion and absorption,
Promotes detoxification, Rebalances the nervous system,
Enhances immune response, Supports blood flow in the female reproductive system, and Increases circulation.

Enhances blood flow to the joints. There are some contraindications to the treatment which is the reason a complete Naturopathic Medical Intake is done prior to the first hydrotherapy session, as well as this will enable us to determine if this modality would benefit you in your healing journey, at this time.

What to expect in a constitutional hydrotherapy treatment?

This modality is only done on existing patients or ones who have also scheduled an initial naturopathic consultation.

The treatment lasts 60 minutes. Come in comfortable clothes and undergarments. Be sure to eat a whole food, plant food diet in the days before, and drink adequate water.

An herbal tea will be given at the start of the treatment and a fluid electrolyte-rich drink at the end.

The doctor will remain with you during the entire 60-minute visit taking vital signs at various points during the treatment. The specifics of the treatment will be explained to you in advance.

Next Steps


  • My Water-Cure by Sebastian Kneipp
  • The Ultimate Text in Constitutional Hydrotherapy by Dr. Letitia Dick-Kronenberg ND

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