New Patient

What to expect on your first visit?

First visits are preferred to be in person, although they may be conducted on telemedicine. At every step of the way, you, the patient, are the driver of the care you receive as the appointment is a collaboration. Our goal is to help you to get to the root cause of any illness or imbalance, move you in the direction of wellness and prevent any future imbalances.

Complete detailed intake forms

Completing detailed medical intake forms can feel cumbersome, but we need to have a complete understanding of “you” and all that brought you to this moment.

There is nothing like hearing about you from you, in person. This will happen during your visit.  Telling your story and providing a well-written history is essential to your thorough and comprehensive care.

Establishing clear agreements and preparing for your visit is an important part of starting a healthy relationship.

You can print the PDFs of the forms below and then complete them, or you can ask us to mail them to you. Please bring all these forms with you to your visit.

Our forms are in-depth. Filling out the form can take up to 2 hours so please plan accordingly. Do your best to fill it out as thoroughly and honestly as you can. Please know that they are private.


Adult Patient Intake:

→ Adult – Passiflora patient intake form

Pediatric Patient Intake:

A comprehensive intake form for Youth (3 years old to 13 years old)

→ Pediatric – Passiflora intake form

HIPPA Privacy Compliance Form:

→ Privacy policy HiPPA

Informed Consent Form:

→ Informed Consent

Brain Health Form:

I have also added a brain/mind/mental health-specific questionnaire because the health of the mind is inextricably linked to the health of the physical body.

→ Passiflora Brain Health Intake Form

Medical Release Form:

It is important to your care that we receive copies from other practitioners of any labs or testing run during the past one to two years. Below is our medical release form to obtain any labs that you currently do not have access to that were run during that time period. It is often easier for you to bring past medical records to the appointment, as physicians' offices have a wide window in which they can forward these records.

→ Medical Release Authorization Form

Preparing for your Appointment

Prepare yourself to make use of the time in the appointment.

Prior to your appointment, consider what your 2 to 3 top goals are for the appointment.

Write down in advance any questions or concerns you may have prior to the visit and also prioritize them.

If you have lab work that has been recently completely, please bring it to your appointment, but keep what you share during the appointment prioritized to meet your goals.

If you have particular symptoms that are concerning, keep a symptom diary with as much detail as you can: what makes the symptom worse or better; time of day; any events around onset; location; quality and severity of any pain experienced; does the pain radiate; are there any associated symptoms.

If you want an ally in the room with you, make sure that person is able to come with you to the appointment.

Assemble your meds (including vitamins and supplements). It’s best to bring the actual bottles, but if you can’t, bring a detailed list with brands and dosages. If you are on telemedicine, it is best to have them available with you in the room.

The more preparation you do, the more your time in the appointment can be well spent.

What to expect during the appointment

The first visit will include listening, as we will review in-depth the intake information, as well as any physical exams that are indicated, if not on telemedicine. You may leave with lab requisitions for either standard blood work, radiology, or more detailed functional medicine labs, such as hair mineral and toxicology analysis, Dutch hormone screening, or GI stool testing.

You will also leave with a personalized and individualized treatment plan, that may have more details added to it in subsequent appointments or even post-appointment.

How to Schedule An Appointment

Of course, I love to hear from you, so I am flexible as to how you book an appointment. To make it easier for you I have an on-line scheduler.  You may want to start with a 15-minute call so that we can get to know each other and you can see if I am good match for you. If you are a new patient or an established patient ready to book your next appointment, click the link to our scheduling page below. But, if you prefer, you can book a session with Dr. Karen by calling, leaving a text message, or sending an email.

Costs of Specific Services 

Naturopathic Medicine:

First Naturopathic Intake, in person or telemedicine (Please allow yourself approximately 2 Hours) $135.

Naturopathic follow-up $89.

Phone Consultation for Returning Patients Only. To go Over Lab Work or Supplements. $50

Naturopathic Review of Functional Medicine Labs (60 minute appointment): $95 (due to time for analysis of reports)

Click here to view more about Naturopathic Medicine


Homeopathic intake (60 minutes) $200

Homeopathic follow-up (30 minutes) $100

Click here to learn more about Homeopathy

Nutritional Genomics:

Nutrigenomics with 3 X 4 Genetics Consultation (90 minute initial Naturopathic Medical Intake and 60 minute detailed review of the Nutritional Genomic findings post-testing) $190 for the two appointments  billed at first appointment

Click here to learn more.

Hydrotherapy (Coming soon):

Hydrotherapy Constitutional Treatment (60 minutes) $60

Hydrotherapy Constitutional Treatment - Package of 4 $200

Constitutional hydrotherapy treatments require an initial naturopathic intake.

Click here to learn more about Hydrotherapy

IR Sauna (Coming Soon):

$45 rental of room and sauna for 45 minutes


If my fee is outside your budget, please contact me via email and I will review my sliding scale with you on a case-by-case basis.


This Practice now accepts Husky Patients.  Superbills are can be created for patients to send to other insurance carriers for possible reimbursement.


All fees are due at the time of service. Checks, Credit cards, Health Savings Accounts (HSA), and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) are accepted forms of payment.

Please note change for cash is not carried on location. If Needed, we can put your change as a credit on your account.

Cancellation Policy:

There is a 48 hour cancellation policy for all appointments. Patients that do not cancel within this period will be asked to pay a $45 cancellation fee.

Join the Passiflora Community

I welcome you to join my newsletter for free wellness and nutrition insights for men, women and children written by me, Dr. Karen. The letter arrives in your in box monthly featuring herbs, supplements, foods, and lifestyle habits that offer wholistic ways and tangible ways to improve our health.

Maybe it was the 15 years of running a tea room, but community is very important to me. I will share upcoming in person events and classes on my newsletter, so be sure to subscribe to stay in the know.

You can un-subscribe at any time, it’s easy to do, and no hard feelings