Botanical Medicine

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Botanical/Herbal medicine has been a core part of every culture throughout all of history as a healing modality. Today, we have so much science behind the use of botanical medicine and so much understanding of how botanical medicines can prevent, heal and rejuvenate our bodies. This medicine is first and foremost in the therapeutic order of “do no harm” after “food as medicine” and lifestyle interventions.

As a Naturopathic Physician, there are so many ways in which I will be personalizing the use of botanical medicine for you, combining all the best of current scientific research, clinical significance, and traditional usage.

My herbal apothecary is fully stocked with:

  • Organic bulk herbs that can be made into individualized and Passiflora custom tea blends
  • Herbal tinctures and glycerites that will be combined in a personalized way to support your health
  • Organic herbal powders
  • Flower essences
  • Homeopathy

Sourcing is critical in the decision of which brands of products to carry, not only ensuring that the botanical is what it is supposed to be in biochemistry, that it has been extracted in the most scientifically sound way to provide you with the medicine and that the suppliers have the highest reputability in product integrity and support of the health of the plants and the earth.


  • Herbal Medicine From the Heart of the Earth by Sharol Marie Tilgner
  • Herbal Formulations from Health Professional: Volume 1 to 5 by Jill Stansbury
  • Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina and Stress Relief by David Winston
Brand - Karen Tyson

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Maybe it was the 15 years of running a tea room, but community is very important to me. I will share upcoming in person events and classes on my newsletter, so be sure to subscribe to stay in the know.

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